About Us

FULL Time, AWARD Winning, FULL Service REALTORS® Specializing in the Mid Missouri Area, including but not limited to the cities of Fulton, Mexico, Columbia & Jefferson City, Missouri. From Callaway, Boone, Cole, Audrain & Montgomery Counties. We would LOVE To be your REALTOR®!
"Our Focus is on the people, we provide Quality Service and don't focus on Quantity of service". "With great service comes success". We look forward to providing you with the latest tools in real estate and unparalleled service. We are your hometown local real estate company with worldwide exposure. Discover the Difference!
We also take great pride in finding the right home for you and treat all of our clients with the respect and honesty that they deserve. We won't waste your valuable time showing you properties you don't care to see or fit your search criteria. We will show you All listings no matter whom has them listed and can even assist you in finding properties that are not currently listed. We also offer discounted Transaction Brokerage Services to clients whom may need assistance with a (FSBO-For Sale By Owner) Transaction. We are your Full Time, Full Service REALTORS®.
Our pledge is to provide a superior level of service to our clients. We accomplish this by continuing to improve our real estate knowledge, using all available up-to-date technologies, being leaders, not followers and pursuing new and innovative ways of serving our clients.
Here at GARRIOTT & ASSOCIATES REALTY, our motto is "Where Service is the Key". We look forward to working with you and exceeding your expectations! Let us provide you your Keys to any Central Missouri area real estate today!